Resumen Submódulo 15.20 organizaciones sociales: GAP Analysis a nivel interno

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Taller de liderazgo y estrategia para organizaciones sociales


Resumen Submódulo 15.20 organizaciones sociales: GAP Analysis a nivel interno

Lectura obligatoria:

1.    Gap Analysis a nivel interno

Resumen de conceptos

El GAP Analysis es una técnica que consiste en observar y tomar conciencia de la distancia, o diferencia excesiva, que existe entre dos o varios elementos relacionados entre sí – brecha– y ver de qué forma podemos zanjar esa diferencia de la forma más eficiente y eficaz posible. Por lo tanto, el GAP Analysis a nivel interno se ocupa de observar y tomar conciencia de la distancia que existe entre los diferentes elementos y procesos de la Estrategia corporativa y operativa al interior de la organización, para ver de qué forma podemos achicar esas diferencias de la forma más eficiente y eficaz.

In management literature, gap analysis involves the comparison of actual performance with potential or desired performance. This concept is similar to an economy's production being below the production possibilities frontier.

Gap analysis identifies gaps between the optimized allocation and integration of the inputs (resources), and the current allocation-level. This reveals areas that can be improved.

Gap Analysis involves determining, documenting and improving the difference between company’s requirements and current capabilities.

Gap analysis naturally flows from benchmarking and from other assessments.

Once the general expectation of performance in a company is understood, it is possible to compare that expectation with the company's current level of performance. This comparison becomes the gap analysis. Such analysis can be performed at the strategic or at the operational level of an organization.

8 pasos para realizar un GAP Analysis a nivel interno

“¿De dónde venimos?” ............... Reconstruir el pasado.

“¿Dónde estamos hoy?” ............... Realizar un diagnóstico

“¿Hacia dónde vamos?”............... Determinar el medio externo futuro

“¿Adónde queremos ir?” ............... Fijar objetivos

“¿Adónde podemos ir?”  ............... Revelar las capacidades disponibles

“¿Qué tenemos por hacer?” ...........Establecer la brecha

“¿Qué deberíamos hacer?”  ............ Identificar posibles soluciones.

“¿Cómo podemos hacerlo?” ............Definir la estrategia y seleccionar los planes de acción.

Devise improvements to close the gaps in your department.

Now that you’ve discovered why the gap in your company or department is taking place, it’s time to figure out the proper course of action to close it. Use the following guidelines to ensure the improvements you come up with are solid:

-      Be specific about the gap.

-      Dig deeper and determine why this gap has occurred.

-      Base all improvements on the information you discovered while identifying the gaps.  

-      Consider the cost of implementation for each solution.  

-      Identify end dates when you’d like to have the gaps resolved.  

-      Once you’ve worked through this gap analysis template and created your own, be sure to follow up on the improvements.

-      Be careful about trying to close too many gaps at once.

Cuestionario del submódulo 15.20

1. ¿Qué es el GAP Analysis?


El GAP Analysis es una técnica que consiste en observar y tomar conciencia de la distancia, o diferencia excesiva, que existe entre dos o varios elementos relacionados entre sí – brecha– y ver de qué forma podemos zanjar esa diferencia de la forma más eficiente y eficaz posible.

2. ¿Para qué sirve el GAP Analysis a nivel interno?


  • GAP analysis involves the comparison of actual performance with potential or desired performance.
  •  Gap analysis identifies gaps between the optimized allocation and integration of the inputs (resources), and the current allocation-level. This reveals areas that can be improved.
  • Gap analysis involves determining, documenting and improving the difference between company requirements and current capabilities.
  •  Gap analysis naturally flows from benchmarking and from other assessments.
  • Once the general expectation of performance in a company is understood, it is possible to compare that expectation with the company's current level of performance. This comparison becomes the gap analysis. Such analysis can be performed at the strategic or at the operational level of an organization.

3. ¿Cuáles son los pasos que debe comprender un GAP Analysis a nivel interno?


8 pasos para realizar un GAP Analysis a nivel interno

“¿De dónde venimos?” ............... Reconstruir el pasado.

“¿Dónde estamos hoy?” ............... Realizar un diagnóstico

“¿Hacia dónde vamos?”............... Determinar el medio externo futuro

“¿Adónde queremos ir?” ............... Fijar objetivos

“¿Adónde podemos ir?”  ............... Revelar las capacidades disponibles

“¿Qué tenemos por hacer?” ...........Establecer la brecha

“¿Qué deberíamos hacer?”  ............ Identificar posibles soluciones.

“¿Cómo podemos hacerlo?” ............Definir la estrategia y seleccionar los planes de acción.

4.  Una vez detectada la brecha, ¿qué debemos hacer?


-      Be specific about the gap.

-      Dig deeper and determine why this gap has occurred.

-      Base all improvements on the information you discovered while identifying the gaps.  

-      Consider the cost of implementation for each solution.  

-      Identify end dates when you’d like to have the gaps resolved.  

-      Once you’ve worked through this gap analysis template and created your own, be sure to follow up on the improvements.

-      Be careful about trying to close too many gaps at once.